PCEA is offered worldwide with people of all ages in a variety of settings including the arts, business, counseling, education, environmental awareness, healthcare, hospice, mental health, social justice, social work, therapy, and wellness.
Our Vision
We envision a world where individuals use creativity to nurture and develop deep, healing and life-enhancing practices, relationships, and global connections.
Our Mission
Person-centered expressive arts (PCEA) is an international and cross-cultural network of humanistic person-centered expressive artists, consultants, educators, and therapists. The Creative Connection process utilizes presence, listening, empathy, congruence and the enhancing interplay of intermodal arts in a safe, compassionate, non-judgmental environment. We provide education, research, resources, and mentorship to foster creativity, growth, healing, personal transformation and social change.
Our Values
We offer training programs, mentoring and certification in the integrative process of Person-Centered Expressive Arts for professionals and students in the arts, business, counseling, human services and education to foster self-expression, creativity and higher states of consciousness.
Research and Publication
We promote research and publishing about the process and application of person-centered expressive arts.